Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Upcoming Fortieth Anniversary of the Battle of Bin Son I: Two Messages!

Both Messages sent to us on Sunday, March 25, 2007.

Number One:

Gunnery Sergeant Roger Dale Hamilton's sisters, the Misses Judy Hamilton Faulk and Andrea Hamilton Schwartz, and Judy's son and Roger's nephew, Eric Faulk, have published a very nice tribute to Roger on 2/1's website.

In a formal ceremony scheduled for the 20th 0f April, he will receive his official plaque-stone at Arlington National Cemetary.

Almost 40 years to the day he died in combat against elements of the Third NVA/PAVN Regiment of the Second NVA/PAVN Division on April 21, 1967.

A long painful, 40-year bureaucratic nightmare over this Missing in Action shinola is now finally laid to rest.

The ladies were very kind in giving not only Roger's dedicated, loyal and hardworking nephew Eric credit, but extending all this to include such fellow corpsmen as "Bob Berry, Dennis Merony(sic.) and Tom Singleton."

Number Two:

Another EMAIL, same date, a query regarding one Marine Thomas Holtzclaw, from Atlanta Georgia, almost 100% sure to have been one of "us" in old Fox Two-one, in either 2nd. or 3rd platoons. "In progress..."


Blogger Unknown said...

Thomas J. Holtzclaw, III was my uncle. I'm publishing has letters home in a book, Letters from Tommy J. I can probably answer any questions you have,

5:37 AM  

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