Thursday, May 03, 2007

World War III ??!!

Over some Caribbean Island ??!!

¡Guau! Wow!

Red China's fed-up !!

Won't take it any more ... !!

Mainland Communist China's Warning to St. Lucia is Grim !!

Foreign Minister Rufus Bousquet is guilty of: "brutal interference in China's internal affairs."

Adapted from San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Wednesday, May 2, 2007.

"China, tiny St. Lucia spar over Taiwan"

"CASTRIES, St. Lucia -- This tiny Caribbean island may have thought it was no big deal when it severed its 10-year relationship with China and restored ties with rival Taiwan.


"China, which built a stadium and was finishing a psychiatric hospital here, called the move a brutal interference in China's internal affairs.

"St Lucian Foreign Minister Rufus Bousquet had said the decision on whom to recognize would be based on who could offer a better deal to St. Lucia, where some 20 percent of the population lives in poverty.

"Bousquet said Taiwan has agreed to help St. Lucia diversify its agriculture sector; boost tourism, develop livestock and create information technology learning centers."


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