"Army deserters fill drug cartels' ranks."
"Better pay makes the violent work appealing to many ex - soldiers."
By Marion Lloyd, Houston Chronicle. In San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS, Monday June 25, 2007.
As the author tells us:
"[M]ore than 150,000 Mexicna soldiers have deserted," in only 8 years!
One security analyst based in Mexico City named Georgina Sanchez is quoted as saying:
"Even if just 5 percent of those join the cartels, that's an army of hit men.
"And it's a bigger army than many in the world."
You bet! Let's see: 5 percent of 150,000 makes for 7,500 hit men, right?
Hey! You're talking roughly seven (7) Light Infantry Battalions, plus!
As for Mexican Army base pay for peons, we're told this:
"Until receiving a raise this year, rank - and - file soldiers made $330 a month, less than many [Mexican] police officers."
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