Monday, January 07, 2008

"What Spirit is This?"

An interpretation of charismatic renewal and its relation to Catholic Truth...

"[The Catholic Church] has certainly been no stranger to individuals and movements which make the presumptuous claim to know better than the Church, to surpass her institutional boundaries, and to possess a unique and exclusive relationship with the Holy Spirit.

"Indeed, there have been many would be prophets of new and extraordinary revelations, or spiritual manifestations which they claim add to or surpass the deposit of faith committed to the safekeeping of the Apostles and of their succesors.

"Such individuals, [who] often present themselves as the chosen prophets of a new Advent or apocalyptic revelation, or a new method of sanctification, or a short cut to a mystical enlightenment.

"At times demanding nothing less than that the Church and the faithful take them at their word, they inevitably claim to be the elect of the elect, the chosen elite of a new birth of spiritual insight.

"Throughout her [the Catholic Church's] recorded history, such incidents have been the rule rather than the exception."


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