"Doing Her Part"
"Kelly Katie is modest about her contribution to the WWII effort"
Adapted from Vincent T. Davis account in the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS. Tuesday, March 11, 2008.
"A few minutes into her story, it's clear that Annette Younger doesn't see what the fuss is about.
"She was just doing her part, she said, like everyone else at the time.
"The year is 1942.
"She's 17 and the world is at war.
"She works from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. six days a week, wearing powder - blue coveralls with her name stitched below the collar.
"She carpools with other women to Duncan Field on the Southwest Side, punching a time clock and joining lines of women ages 17 to 40, as an aircraft sheet - metal worker.
"In the heat and cold, they pull 50 - pound toolkits out onto the airstrip to work on an armada of warplanes......"
A real - good - deal read....
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