Monday, April 28, 2008

One Rousas John Rushdoony may be RIP, but!

Many of his writings are still on target!

"Charismatic youth exploson rocks Holy Trinity Church"

A free - wheeling adaptation of Mr. Angel Hernandez's fascinating report in "Today's Catholic," our Archdiocesan newspaper, the April 25, 2008 edition to be exact!


No telling how many, if any, of Brackettville's Youth Group of St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish were involved in all this excitement, but you can be sure SeƱor Rushdoony is going to have something to say by way of a pithy opinion about what it all means, for all he wrote his opinions some thirty years back -- if not more.

"SAN ANTONIO * The lights were very low, but you could still see the glimmer of tears in several faces.

"In midst of it all, you could still hear their steps and feel them moving about as they would go support and hold each other.

"There was the lonely whisper that would say, everything will be OK.

"It was then that the air was again filled with a loudness that could be felt to the very core of who you are, while bright rays of light forced themselves into the eyes of everyone there.

"Shortly after, you were able to see everyone rushing quickly into a clutter of people.

"They had started the day being their own individual, but with everything that happened they were now all together as one.

"Together they yelled ... no, rather ... together they loudly and clearly proclaimed the love and mercy of their God [or maybe, somebody's god? :)]..."

Finally, many a column inch later we are told:

"To find out more about the youth programs at the CCCR ... see the Web site."

Better yet, good luck in even finding it... :)

So what does Mr. Rushdoony say to all this?

Page 223 of Gary North's None Dare Call It Witchcraft quotes Mr. Rushdoony's views on what he calls Power from below.

Power from below, as he puts it, "whether feared or courted, is thus very much a part of modern man's faith.

"It can reside in magic and witchcraft, or in other related practices, but, in any case, it is power from below.

"It also means a greater stress on mindless religion, as witness the so - called charismatic movement, an emphasis on mindless experience as power.

"The [so -called] charismatic who learns to babble insanely in what is no tongue at all, has no answer therein to moral and intellectual problems, but he witnesses eloquently to others of the feeling of power in the Spirit, power which is in essence a cultivation of what is mindless and subterranean."


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