Friday, June 27, 2008

Brackettville, Texas: "Catholic youth visit San Juan Basilica"

Adapted from this source: The Brackett News, Thursday, June 26, 2008. The caption under the B/W photo of the group tells us:

"The Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church Youth Group recently visited the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan Del Valle in San Juan [Texas].

"Youth leaders reported the trip was a success and a great time was had by all.

"The church plans to make the trip an annual event.

"Sponsors for the trip were Father [Anton] Quang [Dinh Van], Mrs. Julia Terrazas, Mr. and Mrs. Javier Valdez, Mr. and Mrs. Ramón Gutierrez and Mrs. Gracie Escamilla.

"Pictured front row from left:

"Ms. Bianca Cruz, Ms. Brianna Escamilla, Mr. Jerry Lee DeHoyos, Ms. Lily Valdez, Mr. Ramón Gutierrez and Mrs. Julia Terrazas.

"Second row:

"Mrs. María Molinar, Ms. Susu[sic] Seargeant, Ms. Lila Molinar, Ms. Nena Molinar, Ms. Brenda Pacheco, Ms. Bianca Stewart and Mrs. Janie DeHoyos.

"Third row:

"Mr. Cesar Cantu, Mr. Sam Stewart, Mr. Daniel Molinar, Mr. Jerry DeHoyos and Mr. Victor Cantu."

Note: The photographer is not identified!


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