Pastor Kurt Koch's The Strife of Tongues ...
Source: Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michegan 49501.
Page 33.
"We get a little closer to what is behind the new tongues movement when we compare it to similar currents in other religions.
"Speaking in tongues is not just restricted to the Christian world.
"During a visit to the Transvaal in South Africa I was told that many possessed Bantu natives spoke in tongues.
"These Bantus cannot be associated at all with Christianity, although there are obviously some Christians among them.
"On a mission tour through East Asia and Japan I often heard of Buddhist and Shintoist priests who speak in strange languages and tongues while in [a] trance.
"A Shintoist priest who told me his life story mentioned the same expereince.
"In the Philippines I actually heard a possessed man speak in foreign languages which he himself had never learned."
What do you know? Just like many of the addle - pated young so - called American Catholics at the Duquesne Weekend of 1967!
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