Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Could Archbishop Chaput be referring to the likes of Mr. Bill Huebsch?

And by extension, the Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish mis - called Faith Sharing group?

Adapted from this source: Charles J. Chaput, Render Unto Caesar.

Page 128.

"The Catholic faith rests on its continuity with Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and the church they founded.

"Vatican II reflects that.

"And this continuity is exactly what stymies some Catholics who would prefer the church to be something other than she is.

"Joseph Ratzinger once lamented that by 1973, many of his former theological allies already felt that the council was not drastic enough.

"They dismissed it as the work of an old clerical culture.

"Examples of this dictatorship of the interpreters surface in many discussions of Vatican II.

"The most misleading is the argument that Catholics have no special claim to God's truth; that all religions lead in roughly equal ways to God...."

Then, on page 137:

"Many Catholics who invoke the the council [Vatican II] to defend personal conscience and religious liberty seem to have little grasp of what the council actually meant about either of those issues.

"And too often in the United States, Catholic thought since the council has not been a child of Vatican II, but of American political and popular culture.

"In fact, too many of us have become evangelizers in the most ironic since of the word: preaching the world to a church we claim to love, but which we no longer really understand."


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