Friday, February 27, 2009

"USMC L/Cpl Israel Izzy Muniz appointed plane captain"

"He is representing Brackettville, Texas as he serves his country"

Adapted from this original source: The Brackett News, Thursday, February 26, 2009.

"Marine Air Wing (MAW) crew member Israel Izzy Muniz is a 2007 graduate of Brackett High who enlisted in the United States Marne Corps and left for boot camp two weeks after graduation.

"Now Lance Corporal Muniz is a F18 0 - Level Mechanic."

Folks, you're most likely looking at an exceptionally bright young man with the 21st century equivalence of an old - time ARI/GTC of around 130 on up.

And to put that in perspective, four decades back, the mumble - mumble had it that a four year college degree from Sun Tan U. in Applied Water skiing plus an ARI/GTC of 110 was enough to apply -- at least! -- for Marine OCS, while an ARI/GTC of 120 could get you a successful application for Marine OCS even if you had zero college degree!

Way to go, Marine Izzy!

Going on forty - some years ago there was a Marine Air Wing (MAW) ditty that ran more or less along these lnes:

"Tired of all that mud?
"Sure -- Grunts love it,
"But we fly above it,
"Swing with the Wing!"


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