Tuesday, August 04, 2009

"Everybody is going to have sex..."

Hooray for John Calvin Hegedus!

And his Archdiocesan - appointed & financed defense team...

Theology on Tap
at the Blue Star Brewery!!

"Chastity and abstinence, love and lust discussed by campus minister at TOT"

"A packed house -- all 90 of them ? "

"[A]t the
Blue Star Brewery came to hear John Leon campus minister July 16"

Randomly adapted snippets from Katherine Jass López's rocke'em sock'em take no prisoners article in the current issue of Today's Catholic, July 31, 2009.

Young Adults [YA's] tend to ponder many questions about their love life: Who will I marry, or will I even marry, when is the right time to get married, will I have children?

"But before tackling those questions, many wonder what is love and will I ever find it.

"YA's of the archdiocese took time to explore these questions at Theology on Tap [TOT], July 16 at Blue Star Brewery.

"John Leon, Religion Department chair and campus minister at St. Anthony Catholic High School, got the attention of over 90 participants by asking how many of them like sex.

'[H]e said, Everybody is going to have sex and there is only one rule to that that tells you when you can have sex -- that rule is marriage. The problem is society has made sex recreational [Take a bow, John Calvin! And his defense team!] and we need to understand what God's plan is and why God wants us to keep sex in marriage.

"[S]aid Beatriz Alvizo, young adult from St. Matthew Church, I loved it because we all have the same questions and this gathering provided an opportunity to become more informed on what our faith teaches about love and marriage in a relaxed atmosphere."

Seriously, folks, overall? The entire article is a pretty darn good read....:)


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