September 9. Feast Day of Saint Peter Claver.
"FAX To: (830) 563 - 9114 Kinney County Sheriff's Dept."
"Re: Possible Theft."
"St. Time: 05/22 10:19.
"Result: OK
"For Review
"Comments: Looks like usual financial monkeyshines at St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic Church!"
Copy of a page out of the St. MM bulletin for weekend of May 16 & 17, 2009:
" the Church Raffle sale of $1020.00...."
"Monday, May 18, 2009
"To: Mr. & Mrs. Cesar and Rosa Cantu, Parish Festival Committee 2009.
"Re: Parish Bulletin's claim of $1,020.00 from Church Raffle Sale: Rosa, did you two ever collect that $80.00 in lump sum donation we gave to Janie DeHoyos?
"Hi, folks!
"Now here's some substantiating background, extracted from our daily log:
"SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2009.
"1810 - 1820/6:10 pm - 6:20 pm] Janie DeHoyos came by for 10 minutes & returned 2 DVDs & VCR on Medjugorje, said she'd been unable to reach Maria Elena Molinar re her copy!
"Gave her $80.00 in cash to equal 8 more books of raffle tickets [I had already given her $20.00 for 2 books earlier on], plus $100 in $20s for Liturgical Committee's immediate needs [Janie claimed she'd see Mary Meek the next morning. But! Most likely did not know Mary was going out off town, no more than I did at that time].
"MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2009 [First warning sign!]
"1300 - 1530/1:00 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.] To KCL again w/ Erica DeHoyos her cousin [a female minor] & her aunt Janie DeHoyos, w/whom we had a nice visit, outside the library [Cousin came in w/her mom's message. When we made it outside to Janie's truck, the subject was money. Cash. As fast as possible. Today. Not tomorrow! Acute personal financial problems. we did what we could. Over 2 c - notes worth in spot cash]."
NOTE ADDED Wed. Sept. 9, 2009: An exact duplicate amount, $225.00 cash, was receipted for the very next day, March 31, 2009, Nu. 014015, and in the same identical type of Super S. air mail envelope Janie got her cash in.
So what?
In this case the money we gave her outside the KCL was not counted right away.
Instead, each time I told her $225.00, Janie kept repeating what I'd said while knocking off exactly $100.00 each time!
D*am*n, she's that good..!
As we told Fr. Pius Ezeigbo on Thursday morning, June 4, 2009, in so many words: Bad 'ole geezers living in Brackettville's Public Housing are so many biblical fools in [Janie's] capable hands! :)
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