"But Jesus warned that the road to destruction is broad and comfortable, and the road to salvation is narrow and difficult (Mt. 7:13 - 14).
"Do Christians care anymore?
"The Southern Baptists do.
"The Pope does.
"And so do we..."
From a paid (or so we might assume!) add for the New Oxford Review in the Roman Catholic publication, Inside The Vatican, October 2009.
"We are the New Oxford Review, an orthodox Catholic monthly magazine that doesn't shy away from the hard teachings of Jesus.
"We know why we're Catholic, and we're not afraid to tell the world about it.
"What we hear from many of our pulpits these days are bland greeting - card sentiments.
"If you're sick and tired of all the pablum and milk served up in the name of [Brackett - style? :)] Catholicism, if you hunger and thirst for the red meat and red wine of authentic Catholicism, subscribe today!"
"Sample copy: $3.50
"Room 503
"1069 Kains Ave..
"Berkeley, California 94706."
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