"UTEP alum slain at Fort Hood"
"Maj. Eduardo Caraveo, was among the 13 [sic.] service members killed Nov. 5 at Fort Hood"
The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Pamela Prieto has this week's story.
"He always praised UTEP; he always said it was a great school"
¡Adelante, Pamela!
Adapted from the original posted 11/10/09.
Photo Caption: The U.S. flag on Memorial Triangle flies at half mast to honor those killed and wounded during the shooting at Fort Hood Nov. 5.
"In what has been called one of the worst mass killings on a U.S. military base, a man whose humble beginnings are rooted in the El Paso - Ciudad Juárez borderland lost his life.
"Maj. Eduardo Caraveo -- who was a UTEP alumnus -- was raised in El Paso and Cd. Juárez and lived in Segundo Barrio for most of his youth.
"After he graduated from Bowie High School, he attended UTEP to achieve his bachelor's and master's degrees.
"He received his master's degree in counseling in 1980.
"He earned a Ph.D. at the University of Arizona.
"His older brother Fernando Caraveo, 71, said he was everyone's consentido, or favorite, and that he was always very loving.
"[H]is brother Rafael Caraveo, 60, said, It's very hard; it's a tragedy. He loved this country that took him in, that gave him his education. He was an excellent person. He praised UTEP; he always said it was a great school ..."
What a waste of a fine person's life... :(
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