Date written: Tuesday, November 3, 2009.
"...item was delivered at 12:21 PM on November 4, 2009 in SAN ANTONIO, TX 78258. The item was signed for by L KRANZ.
"...item was delivered in ITALY at 7:29 PM on November 11, 2009."
"To: The Most Reverend Oscar Cantu DD. Auxiliary Bishop of San Antonio, Texas.
"Re: Archbishop's Appeal Acct. # 056000273 09 IPS -- A Parish Accounting Credibility Issue -- plus two (2) Faith Issues.
"Dear Excellency:
"Because of what appears to be a routine case of ongoing parish - wide theft by accounting fraud as well as the more regular routine plundering of cash donations to various parish organizations by any number of otherwise God- fearing good people, whether clergy or lay, yours truly has decided to increase my share of the basic amount of of Archbishop Gomez's Annual Appeal for our parish, which is officially designated "560 -- St. Mary Magdalen Church -- Brackettville" from 30% of the $3,505.00 -- which this year amounted to $1,051.50 total, to a new flat [percentage] rate of my annual retirement earnings which will equal around $2,400 or so, instead.
"Faith Issue Number One for yours truly is what appears on our parishioner level to be an ongoing developing doctrine of the Sacred Host as a Psychiatric Placebo exclusively reserved for such use by the children of those parents who themselves are physically aggressive and intimidating enough to get their way with both priests and deacons in this issue.
"My own favorite example is the parent who assures the rest of us (including yours truly) that his children -- who are themselves generally present! -- don't need any preparation for Holy Communion as the "Catholic bishops themselves are corrupt and guilty of sexual sin, and nuns murder their newly born children," along with whatever else he picks up in the way of such wild nonsense when he takes his children to the Jehovah Witness temple in nearby Del Rio. And sure enough! Our clergy obligingly smile, fawn and grovel. And so he gets his way.
"At the same time, they are steadfast in continuing to insist that other parents have to play by the rules.
"Faith Issue Number Two for yours truly is the Nganga Tree at the right front of our parish church, festooned throughout this month of November with colorful leaves bearing the names of the deceased.
"Last November, just before the last 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass of the month, the Rev. Mr. James Bader, Deacon came strolling up the church aisle pushing a typical out door open - topped bar - b - q grill, which I guess served here as a sort of nganga, at least in the anthropological sense of a so - called cauldron of sacrifice.
"Then, disregarding any and all municipal and county fire codes, as well as those of the State of Texas as well, the Rev. Fr. Pius Ezeigbo lit up the bits of paper within, that were formerly hanging from the Nganga Tree, thereby formally demonstrating publicly that we 70 to 90 persons present were witnesses to a genuine indoor paper - trash burning mitote, or spiritualist New Age ceremony.
"The smell indicated the two men and their young male altar server were using some kind of accelerant -- most likely charcoal lighter fluid; the smoke and fumes were something to experience, your excellency!
"Your excellency, as I've personally been publicly urging our youthful CCD / Parish Youth Group and Altar Server teachers and trainers: "Look, tell your pupils and their parents to be up front with their non - Catholic friends and neighbors. Tell them there's no excuse for any of this. Tell them, If what you're hearing about what our priests and deacons are doing themselves and trying to get us to do, too, sounds like a lot of anti - Christian mumbo - jumbo, there's a simple reason, o.k.? It is because it is a lot of anti - Christian mumbo - jumbo! "
"Thank you, Your Excellency!
"Respectfully submitted,
And ecetera....
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