African "Cardinal Kodwo Appiah Turkson"
And his timely warning!
"The Catechists often only have a superficial education,
"and old beliefs often continue to live in the hearts of the converts.
And yet, in spite of all the above:
"If some of them choose to become priests,
"the danger is doubled..."
This snippet is quietly lifted from Ms. Angela Ambrogetti's timely observations in the Roman Catholic publication, Inside The Vatican magazine, January 2010 edition.
Are there any internal problems in the African Catholic Church...?
"Among the internal problems of the Church, on the other hand, Turkson believes one of the most serious problems in Africa is the education of priests and faithful alike.
"The catechists often only have a superficial education, and old beliefs often continue to live in the hearts of the converts.
"If some of them choose to become priests, the danger is doubled.
"What should be done?
"The cardinal believes that the future priests should study in Africa, and not be sent to study in Europe before their ordination.
"Local seminaries must be strengthened and African anthropology and philosophy must be studied deeply in order to shape a formative and informed theology, he says.
"As bishop of Cape Coast in Ghana, Turkson invited deacons to live with him some months before their ordination, so that they might know each other better and learn to work together.
"What else should be done?
"This cardinal from Ghana believes that the most important thing of all is to stimulate the Africans' capacity, their positivity, their richness, their Africaness."
He was at the October 2010 Roman Synod of African Bishops!
"At the Synod, the cardinal shook his fellow bishops and told them not to feel sorry for themselves but to act and react."
A future black pope?
"As new president of Justice and Peace, he talks about justice in Africa, in the family, in the relationship between man and woman, with their children and says When I talk about family I also think about the tribe, which in Africa is a broader family. We don't even have a word for cousins and nephews: in our country, my cousin is my brother.
"And in the future?
" Turkson once said If God would wish to see a black man as Pope, thanks be to God."
Good points! :)
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