"Christ as the first tomato
"For God so loved the cosmos...
That ...
"When the Word became flesh, he became stardust, too...
"For that reason even the stones have a share in salvation..."
John Muir:
"God's charity is broad enough for bears."
Random snippets from a prominent Fordham University Theologian, recently beamed down to us from the farthest reaches of outer space!
Here's some of the highlights of Elizabeth A. Johnson C.S.J.'s Comedy Central routine as she bares the naked truth, American - Catholic style. :)
In U.S. Catholic magazine, April 2010 edition.
"Quite literally, human beings are made of stardust.
"Since Jesus of Nazareth was composed of star stuff and earth stuff, and since his body existed in a network of relationships extending to the whole physical universe, his resurrection signals the beginning of the redemption, not just of other human beings, but of the whole creation itself - the whole natural world, all of matter in its endless permutations.
"In the light of the risen Christ, hope of salvation for sinful, mortal human beings expands to become a cosmic hope, a shared hope.
"Love for the Earth and all its creatures flows as a response...
"If you've ever grown tomatoes, you know the joy of picking the first juicy one.
"Christ, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep, is like that first tomato..."
The good sister even claims that John Muir lashed out at humans who believed heaven excluded non - humans.
Instead, as she tells us, "Muir believed .. God's charity is broad enough for bears..."
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