Friday, March 05, 2010

Fr. Michael P. Orsi.

Beyond Padre Oprah

"His dalliance was with a woman, after all,

"rather than one of the more problematic alternatives."

Adapted from his article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review March 2010.

"Fr. Cutié admitted to an ongoing affair, and then withdrew for a period of seclusion to discern his future in the Church.

"It was expected that he would choose either to beg forgiveness, rededicate himself to his priesthood, and end the relationship with his lover, or else to seek laicization and marry.

"Florida Catholics tended to view either outcome as acceptable, since Fr. Cutié's illicit behavior was at least deemed within the bounds of normal.

"His dalliance was with a woman, after all, rather than none of the more problematic alternatives.

"Within a few weeks, however, Fr. Cutié announced that he would continue in ministry, though not as a Catholic.

"After a year of study and preparation, he would take up duties as pastor at the Church of the Resurrection, a struggling Episcopal congregation in Miami.

"All of which validates the wisdom of Matthew 12:45, which notes that when acted upon by evil influences, the final condition of a man can be worse than the first..."

Good points, Padre! :)


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