Tuesday, June 01, 2010

This was not the only rancher we heard that day that talked about the drug trains... Part II.

From: "An open letter from Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen," published in the Kinney County Post. Tuesday, May 25, 2010.

Now, then!

The article published on the same theme -- but including references to East German and Cuban mercs guarding the U.S.A. - bound drug shipments-- by the San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS so many years ago was most likely published:

Around the 3rd Sunday of March 1989.

My impression, -- for all it's most likely grown hazy through the years :) -- is that this same EXPRESS - NEWS article was talking about a Chihuahua / West Texas drug corridor back then in 1989.

Meanwhile, in Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen's case, the incidents described are -- or seem to be -- cases involving a Sonora / Arizona drug corridor in 2010.


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