Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"Europeans and Americans sometimes act like they think people in Africa are still living in trees..."

But, again, I would not call this racism...

"Racism is a pursued policy, a program or line of action..."

First - Round Pick for the next Pope??!!

Cardinal Peter Turkson

"We are the world"

"The editors interview Cardinal Peter Turkson."

Adapted from U.S. Catholic August 2010.


"President, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Vatican City.

"Former archbishop of Cape Coast, Ghana.

"Former president of Ghana's Catholic Bishops' Conference."

"John Allen Jr. National Catholic Reporter says that he's destined to be an ecclesiastical star and perhaps even the first black pope, though Turkson says he wouldn't want the job..

"[H]e told Justice Magazine earlier this year, The truth is that our world is still too color sensitive. All that would make the work (of a black pope) more difficult.

Question by Editors of Cardinal Turkson:

"You are currently the highest - ranking African cardinal in the Roman Curia. How would you describe the state of racial justice within the church?

Cardinal Turkson's answer:

"I'm reluctant to equate lack of knowledge and familiarity between Europeans and Africans with racism, it's just that people don't know much about each other.

"Europeans and Americans sometimes act like they think people in Africa are still living in trees.

"Maybe that's from what they've seen in movies.

"People tell me that they don't know much about Ghana or Africa.

"Everyone is a product of their own culture.

"Many of the people I work with in the Vatican are sons and daughters of European and other cultures and they may not have been exposed much to Africa.

"I know that many people's ideas about Africa and Africans are generally negative.

"The competence and abilities of Africans are often doubted.

"This is challenging, and I need to prove myself of creditably leading and administering this vital office of the Vatican: the Pontifical Council of Justice and Peace.

"This does not make me angry.

"I view it as a kind of ministry to help them overcome certain blind spots they have due to a lack of exposure.

"But, again, I would not call this racism.."

Next Question -- one w/an attitude!

By the editors reacting to all this:

"Aren't you being generous here? Isn't there a fine line between unfamiliarity and willful ignorance or racism?"

Cardinal Turkson's measured response:

"No, racism is a pursued policy, a program or line of action.

"It puts people in boxes and categories so you no longer see reality but only what you want to see.

"It's more intentional.

"In general I hesitate to describe manifestations of this unfamiliarity as intentional.

"I'll give people the benefit of the doubt, but if this attitude persists, then maybe I'll need to respond to your question differently.

"Still, just as some may doubt my competence, many others believe I will make a positive contribution in Rome ..."

Me, too! :)


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