Friday, September 10, 2010

The UTEP Prospector's Ms. Vanessa Chavez has sound advice:

"Reflect, don't blame, on Sept 11"

Adapted from Ms. Juarez's sober appraisal.

"Published: Thursday, September 9, 2010 08:09"

"I didn't even know what the World Trade Center was before Sept. 11, 2001.

"I was in the sixth grade when the hijacked planes driven by Al - Qaeda - funded terrorists struck the twin towers, killing more than 3,000 innocent people.

"Maybe it was the scale of the attack or the images of people throwing themselves out of the towers' windows just to avoid burning to death...

"Maybe it was the hoards of gray, debris - covered New Yorkers running in horror down West Street.

"For any and all of those reasons, Sept. 11 changed America and Americans in a deep and profound way.

"Regardless of the politics, rhetoric, anger, blame and bickering surrounding 9/11 and the far - flung - effects, this weekend in about remembering the innocent lives lost, the heroism and sacrifices of the New York Police Department and the New York Fire Department and the sacredness of the lessons we learned on and since 9/11..."

Way to go, Vanessa.....!


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