Wednesday, March 02, 2011

"It is that real and malevolent adversary who prompted a human being to blaspheme the name of God and murder thirteen fellow human beings at Fort Hood in 2009 ...

"He is strong, but the Pierced One is infinitely stronger."

Deacon W. Patrick Cunningham, Holy Spirit Parish, San Antonio, Texas.

In the Homiletic & Pastoral Review. March 2011 edition. What follows is a brief snippet from his article titled: What shall we do with our enemies?

"Christians must never forget who is the real enemy, who in St. Peter's words prowls through the world like a ravenous lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).

"Scripture names him with a Hebrew word -- Satana -- the adversary.

"It is that real and malevolent adversary who prompted a human being to blaspheme the name of God and murder thirteen fellow human beings at Fort Hood in 2009.

"It is he who was behind Hitler's holocaust of Jews, and he who is behind the holocaust - denier in Iran.

"He is strong, but the Pierced One is infinitely stronger...'

Good article! :)

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