Thursday, March 10, 2011

Philadelphia's District Attorney Seth Williams:

Catholicism's 21st Century Elliott Ness?

spells it out, again!

Here's a quote from the DA himself in the news item titled: Grand jury indicts former chancery official for endangering children -- five arrests made in Philadelphia sex abuse case.

From the CWR's March 2011 edition.

"The criminal acts that occurred here are not representative of my religion.

"They are the bad acts of individual men.

"I recognize all the good that the Roman Catholic Church has done and continues to do in the world.

"But I am sworn to uphold the law, and I will do what is necessary to protect children.

"There must be more separation between the things the Church does in the name of helping victims and the things the Church does in an effort to protect itself from financial liability and ill repute..

"I love my Church but I detest the criminal behavior of priests who abuse or allow the abuse of children..."

Way to go, Mr. DA! :)


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