"Did you know that Catholic bishops are actually high priests of Dagon,
"the ancient fish deity of the Philistines?
"That's right, the priests of Dagon wore a head dress that looked like ...."
By Fr. Dwight Longnecker, whimsical convert from Anglican priest to Roman Catholic priest!
Snippet from his article, Paganism, Prophecies, and Propaganda -- in the May / June 2011 issue of This Rock magazine.
"Did you know that Catholic bishops are actually high priests of Dagon, the ancient fish deity of the Philistines?
"You see, the miter the bishop wears is a replica of the costumes worn by the priests of Dagon.
"That's right, the priests of Dagon wore a head dress that looked like the head of a fish with an open mouth, and down their back they wore a long cape that looked like the skin of a big fish.
"When you look at a Catholic bishop sideways you can see the open - mouthed fish head, and his cope looks just like that fish skin they wore!
"This proves that Catholicism is really just old - fashioned devil - worshiping paganism, right? *
"The bishop's miter developed from the camelaucum, a form of crown worn in the imperial court in Byzantium.
"There are no pictures of a Catholic bishop wearing what we would recognize as a miter until the 11th century -- and then it was a shorter, softer hat which only developed into its present form in the late middle ages, long after the worshipers of Dagon were dead and gone..."
Way to go, padre! :)
*Like, maybe on a par with Saint Mary Magdalene's indoor paper - trash burning mitotes, or so - called New Age spiritualist rituals?
As "we" practice them right here, in 'ole Brackettville, Texas?
Zip 78832?
Immediately in front of the main altar?
¡Guau! :)
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