Wednesday, May 04, 2011

"As Pedro ate his vulgar fare ..."

A fine authentic
make you laugh comical little story! :)

"Pedro Luiz, a friend of mine, married late when he was almost 40.

"As a single man, he stayed at home with his mother who packed the lunch he took to work ..."

From Mr. Nelson Fragelli's fascinating commentary Well - prepared Dishes: A Recipe for Charity. In the TFP's Crusade Magazine. May / June 2011 edition.

The story continues ...

"... Every day he had different well - prepared sandwiches with fresh fruit juices.

"From his Thermos, his colleagues could smell the delicious aroma of coffee.

"His tumbler, coffee cup and cutlery were all packed in a leather box -- within an immaculate and perfectly ironed napkin that could be used as a tablecloth.

"None of his colleagues had anything of this sort.

"They ate their sandwiches wrapped in plastic and drank their coffee in Styrofoam cups.

"However they enjoyed seeing Pedro eat his meal.

"But one day Pedro started taking his sandwiches bought from the supermarket out of a plastic bag.

"For dessert, he had a chocolate bar.

"His coffee now came from the office machine.

"And this went on for five days as Pedro ate his vulgar fare.

"Around the fifth day one of his colleagues inquired, Pedro, what happened? Did you get married?

"[H]e said, No, not yet. My mother is spending ten days in hospital because of her rheumatism.

"See how a simple meal can carry a message?

"Pedro's colleagues noticed it and made explicit today's sad reality: whatever the reason, nicely prepared meals are frequently neglected ..."

Good point, SeƱor! :)


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