Monday, June 06, 2011

Dr. Frederick W. Marks & Saint Peter:

The First Catholic Pope!

... a homicidal attack on a servant of the chief priest was most likely a capital offense ...

"The grandeur of Peter

"We can all benefit from contemplating St. Peter's virtues and failings ..."

A random snippet or two from Dr. Marks' article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review. Issue of June / July 2011.

"From Gethsemane on, Peter was a marked man, as a homicidal attack on a servant of the chief priest was most likely a capital offense.

"Yet, with the exception of John, who had priestly connections, he alone followed Jesus into the courtyard of the man whose servant he had slashed, and subsequently he sat through three interrogations when he could have slipped away after the first.

"In sum, he risked his life four times within the space of a few hours ..."

Looking at Peter's continued denials, Dr. Marks thoughtfully opines, on Peter's behalf:

"What FBI or CIA operative, having gained access to a source of intelligence as valuable as Caiaphas' courtyard, would dream of blowing his cover?"

Good point, Doctor Marks!

You bet! :)


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