"¿El que no es rey en su tierra? ¡En otra menos!"
Modismo campestre potosino, de Rancho Tapona, S.L.P.
Father Ronald "Ron" Rolheiser, O.M.I. shares with us his innermost thoughts while letting the Archbishop of San Antonio know too, that "He who is not a king in his own land; is in another's even less..."
In terms of "his" biblical theology, both the message and the medium are clear:
"Ron Rules!" :)
When he returns from Rome, our Archbishop "Publisher" can either openly repudiate Father Ron's religious apostasy or -- perhaps most likely! -- tacitly approve and accept it by simply ignoring it all together.
Source for what follows + contact info is below:
"Today's Catholic.
"2718 W. Woodlawn Ave.
"P.O. Box 28410
"San Antonio, Texas 78228
"(210) 734 - 1690
"E-mail : tcpaper@archsa.org
"www.satodayscatholic.org. Timely Issues Blog.
"Twitter: satodaycatholic
"Facebook: Today's Catholic
"Publisher: Archbishop Gustavo Garcia - Siller, MSpS.
"Editor: Jordan B. McMorrough
"Business Manager: Debra Iglesias ..."
Current issue is Friday, July 1, 2011.
Basic thesis:
"Walter Bruggemann once commented that God is in recovery from all the violence that has been attributed to him and done in his name.
"It's time that the churches entered the same recovery process ..."
Some random snippets from Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI's God and violence.
"God is non - violent.
"God does not prescribe violence.
"What about the violence in Scripture that is attributed to God or to God's direct orders?
"Didn't Jesus kick over the tables of the money - changers in anger?
"What about extremist Islam today, killing thousands of people in God's name?
"When Scripture says that we experience God's wrath when we sin, it doesn't want us to believe that God actually gets angry and punishes us.
"There's no need.
"The punishment is innate.
"God has no need to extrinsically punish sin because sin already punishes itself..."
Like, it's all about karma, Dude! Like, you know? :)
"Nature is so constructed.
"There is a law of karma.
"Sin is its own punishment.
"God forgives sin.
"Indeed, given a proper understanding of God's nature and transcendence, it is presumptuous on our part to even believe that we can offend God ...
"Walter Brueggemann once commented that God is in recovery from all the violence that has been attributed to him and done in his name.
"It's time that the churches [plural!!] entered the same recovery process.."
"Oblate Father Ronald Rolheiser [is a] theologian, teacher and award - winning author, president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio..."
Right on, Father Ron! Right ON! :)
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