Friday, August 12, 2011

County Donegal, Ireland!

"Hundreds of children abused by 20 priests.

"Shocking new report to reveal cover - up scandal in diocese:

"Bishop of Raphoe will publish report"

Snippet from the Irish newspaper, The Independent. By Greg Harkin. Published online. Thursday, August 11, 2011.

"A shocking new report will reveal how up to 20 pedophile priests abused hundreds of children in one diocese over a 40 - year period -- sparking a new cover - up scandal for the Catholic Church.

"Clergy are severely criticized for the way victims and their families were treated in the diocese of Raphoe, County Donegal.

"The report is due out later this month.

"[O]ne source told the Irish Independent: There were hundreds of victims, and they were abused again and again while the church actively prevented the investigations by the civil authorities.

"One victim, raped by a Catholic priest in the diocese, told the Irish Independent: I cannot begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to seeing the audit being published. It will be like a dark cloud lifting off me.

"The Raphoe diocese set up a child protection committe in June 2006.

"Bishop [Philip] Boyce said last month that all abuse allegations are now reported to [the authorities].

"Each parish now has two or more child protection representatives who train all church personnel who have contact with children ..."

Cool! Better late than ever!

So what -- if anything! -- were the Knights of Columbus doing here locally in Saint Mary Magdalene's Catholic Parish, Brackettville, Texas 78832?

Between 1986 - 1995?! :)


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