"I spoke on the emergence of Evangelical Catholicism -- as the fruit of Vatican II"
George Weigel looks at London's St. Patrick's Church:
"Miracles in Soho ..."
A snippet from his article in Today's Catholic. Friday, July 29, 2011.
"Up in the church's bell tower is a chapel for eucharistic adoration, where volunteers pray from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. every night, and where two telephones bring requests from all over the world to an SOS Prayer Line.
"The Eucharist is at the heart of St. Patrick's life for, as Steve White put it after his eight months of work there, the demands of discipleship in that environment leave no room for lukewarmness. Anyone who was going to leave left long ago. The Eucharist quite simply drives the life and work of the parish ...
"The Eucharist, in a daily rhythm of Mass and Eucharistic adoration is the dynamic force behind the church's street evangelization programs and its work with the homeless.
"After more than a year of renovation (during which the parish's many ministries continued), the church was re - opened in early June with three days of festivities, including Masses celebrated by Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster and Cardinal Pell of Sydney.
"I was invited to give a lecture on thr middle day of the three and spoke on the emergence of Evangelical Catholicism -- sacramental, biblical, robustly missionary, service - oriented -- as the fruit of Vatican II.
"It seemed an appropriate theme, for St. Patrick's today embodies exactly what the council imagined for the world church: a new Pentecost..."
You bet!
"See ACTS 2:16 for details!" :)
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