Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Archbishop of San Antonio, Texas' in-house expert on all matters gay:

Christopher J. Stravitsch who "serves on the formation faculty at Assumption Seminary in San Antonio..."

"Parents teach true meaning of human sexuality"

A snippet from his original article in Today's Catholic. Friday, September 9, 2011.

"A push to normalize homosexual behaviors had its first victory when the American Psychological Association (APA) removed homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in 1973..."

"The APA now staffs a Concerns Office for LGBT issues ...

"So who will catch and run with the ball next?

"Who will push society's understanding of sexuality in even newer and more unpredictable and destructive directions?

"Today, it may be an organization called B4U - ACT, which consists of mental health professionals who are sympathetic to pedophilia and minor - attracted persons.

"However, what's most concerning is that they do not recognize the intrinsic disorder of sexual attraction toward prepubescent children.

"When answering the question of whether attraction to minors is a sickness, their website states, No ... we are not advocating treatment to change sexual feelings..."


"The children in your life shouldn't be left to fend for themselves in the frenzy of constant attacks on healthy sexuality.

"Get in the game and catch the ball.

"Your beloved little ones will be edified as you teach them, over time, the true meaning of their sexuality.."

Amen, brother, amen! :)


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