Friday, October 28, 2011

Ms. Amy Willis of The Telegraph, rips the cover off yet another U.K. Sex - abuse scandal!

"Vatican orders inquiry into child abuse claims at UK schools"

Snippets from the original posted 2:11 PM BST 25 Oct 2011.

"The Pope has ordered an unprecedented inquiry into alleged child sex abuse by senior clerics at a Roman Catholic school in Ealing, west London.

"The top - level inquiry was ordered following investigations by the The Times newspaper, exposing four decades of sex abuse by monks and lay teachers at Ealing Abbey and St. Benedict's Independent School.

"The newspaper claims led to devil in a dog collar Father David Pearce, the former headmaster of St. Benedict's School, being jailed in 2009 for indecently assaulting five young boys.

"Father Pearce, who also served as a priest at Ealing Abbey, admitted to carrying out the attacks between 1972 and 2007.

"Other attacks by monks at St. Benedicts and other Roman Catholic schools are thought to date back to the 1960s.

"Another monk, Father Laurence Soper, who was the former Abbot of Ealing Abbey, is currently being hunted by police after jumping bail.

"He disappeared earlier this month from the headquarters of the Benedictine Order in Rome.

"However, an apostolic visitation at Ealing Abbey was today ordered by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome over concerns that the scale of the scandal is much greater than initially feared... "

And you can bet your neighbor's next pay check on that! :)


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