Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fortieth Anniversary of the Mother of All Western New York State School District Christmas parties!

At the Hilton Country Club, Hilton New York!

"A suburb of Rochester, New York!"

In terms of both mens' and womens' fashions?

The Sixties still held sway, you bet... :)

Friend "Mark" -- teacher of Middle School Social Studies -- was like yours truly!

Sporting long hair (yeah, I know -- "Me, too!") an elegant brown suit with wide lapels plus an over sized Princess Mara tie.

His blond bombshell of a wife was tastefully gowned and demurely coiffed.


While I still wore my Marine Corps - issue black oxfords, "Mark" had a flashy pair of all - American star - spangled red, white and blue tennis shoes!

"Those were the days..."

Wonder whatever happened to those ex - Catholic nuns "we" dated casually??!!

Great ladies as I recall! :)

Merry Christmas everyone!

ยกFeliz Navidad!


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