Saturday, December 17, 2011

Muringoor, India!

"Retreat center in India draws huge crowds, heals many"

"[N]early 10 million people, including half a million Hindus and Muslims have attended the weekly retreats,

"since it opened in 1990 ..."

Snippet from author Anto Akkara's original, CNS NEWS SERVICE / Today's Cathodic. Friday, December 16, 2011.

"A message on the center's website from Vincentian Father Augustine Vallooran, director of the center's English section, reports that nearly 10 million people, including half a million Hindus and Muslims, have attended the weekly retreats since it opened in 1990.

"The Indian Vincentians opened the center after buying a closed hospital and surrounding land.

"Father George Panackal, the center's founding director, told CNS ...."

His comments!

"This is God's work.

"We are only helping people turn back to God and lead better lives..."

And, so ...

"Father Panackal said that retreats at the Vincentian center follow a holistic approach.

"Retreats are offered in eight languages, including English, and go beyond a good confession and try to touch lives of the people and help them overcome their problems, he said.

"The retreat center is considered the largest in the world; it can accommodate up to 25,000 people for week-long residential retreats..."

Fascinating read! :)


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