Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Saint Thomas More's whimsical -- and timely! -- quote:

"Some men say the earth is round and some say that it is flat.

"If it is round, can the King's command flatten it; and if it is flat, can Parliament make it round?"

Snippet from Andrew Napolitano's article, What Is A Just War? In the the Catholic newspaper, The Wanderer. Friday, February 9, 2012.

The author's comment:

"Of course, the answer to those questions is no, and the reason it is no is that kings and parliaments -- all governments -- just like all living beings, are subject to the laws of nature.

"One of those laws was articulated by Aquinas and embraced by More and accepted by Thomas Jefferson and taught by many Judeo - Christan scholars, and was eventually engrafted into treaties and into American law.

"It is the concept of the just war.

"In American law and culture, for war to be valid, it must not only be lawful, meaning either declared by Congress or defensive; it must also be just..."

And, so??!!

"When President Obama announced last April that he was sending the United States military to bomb Libya, he not only violated the United States Constitution, which he has taken an oath to uphold, but he also violated the moral principles of the just war..."


www. the wandererpress . com


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