Friday, April 13, 2012

Clueless West Coast Archbishop cordially invites disobedience,

and gets the casual contempt that he asks for!

Friday, April 13, 2012.

"Seattle parishes refuse to collect signatures for marriage referendum"

Some snippets:

"An increasing number of Seattle parishes -- including St. James Cathedral -- are refusing to heed Archbishop J. Peter Sartain's request [sic.] to collect signatures for a referendum on the State of Washington's recent redefinition of marriage.

"In February, Gov. Christine Gregoire, a [ha, ha!] Catholic, signed into law a bill that legalized same - sex marriage in Washington [State].

"St. Joseph parish, whose pastor is Father John Whitney, SJ, posted the following notice on its web site: "


"You may have heard about a petition drive concerning Referendum 74, which will be gathering signatures at a number of parishes in Seattle.

"Please be aware that Fr. Whitney has decided that no petitioning will be permitted anywhere on the campus of St. Joseph ..."

Yes sir, Archbishop Sartain!

Whoever is in charge of your archdiocese, it sure ain't you! :(


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