Friday, November 16, 2012

"Dale agua a éste ..." II

Piedras Negras Mexican News Radio -- La información sin fronteras ...

"Thursday. November 15, 2012. 5:57 p.m.  SEDENA [The Office of the Secretary of National Defense] announces yet another  escapee from last September's jailbreak captured here by the military yesterday afternoon.

"This brings the total to 30 escapees re - taken alive and 8 more shot dead ..."

Cool! That means there's only 95 +/- still running loose! :)


1) Mexico's military routinely shuts down all cell phone service within a certain radius of any ongoing local gun battle. 

Technology may come from either Israel or Uncle Sam, or who knows.

2) When quizzed as to the state of security in Piedras Negras, Bishop Alonso Gerardo Garza Treviño says flatly: "There is no security in Piedras Negras."

3) Official petroleum company (PEMEX) reports that in Piedras Negras itself -- consumption of gas at the pump has fallen by one million liters a month. 

The average consumer now buys 8 liters of gas at a time instead of 12 as formerly.

4) Priests are concerned over the rash of cancellations of such things as weddings and 15th birthday ceremonies due to peoples' fears of sky - rocketing violence.

5) School absenteeism on the first day following shoot outs is now running from 40% to 80%.

 6) Mexican Radio News reporters uneasily discuss the alleged potential for a new wave of cochebomba -- car bomb attacks -- only this time around focused on blowing up  PEMEX gasoline stations utilizing some kind of really whiz - bang computer software to trigger the disaster -- instead of now - obsolete cell phone technology ...

7) Spokes persons for Mexico's Social Security Administration say that while there are indeed retired Mexicans drawing down pensions equivalent of up to US $2,500 per month, the vast majority of retirees are lucky to be drawing US $250.00 per month... 

And so the list goes on ... :(


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