Friday, December 07, 2012

¡El mitote navideño fabuloso de 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012.

Southwest Texas USA 

Brackettville 78832

"T'was the Night of the Frontier Christmas!"

From the Kinney County Post. Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Rio Grande Electric Coop's Ms. Sonya Cruz captured the moment in her front  page letter to the editor as did Ms. Pam Hale's colorful photos! :)

Even from 2 blocks away we could already hear the cheerful noise of music, laughter, singing and sirens  going -- all in one melodious blend of alcohol - free exuberant serendipity!

Our younger neighbors were full of enthusiasm over what they experienced at the event.

Brackettville's Five Points intersection did the honors as "ground zero."  

Then, late Sunday afternoon, the old green mule - drawn farm wagon that had been left parked in front of the Bank and Trust was quietly hooked - up in person  by Kinney County Judge Tim Ward and hauled off -- still emblazoned with the fabric - logo of "The Kinney County Historical Commission."
We were almost sorry to be standing there -- seeing it  go! 

Yeah! You folks know the feeling, right?

"The party was officially over!" :(

But, Yeah II!

It still goes to show that no matter what insanities are afflicting the rest of the so - called civilized world today -- here in Brackettville, Texas 78832 -- Todos somos familia -- We're all family! 

And that's what counts! :)


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