Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Homily theme update!!

While otherwise both Deacon - less + Altar Server - less -- last Saturday's 5:30 pm Mass still supported

Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.

Brackettville, Texas 78832 

Saturday March 16, 2013.

Celebrant -- Fr. Antonio Moreno.

Homilist -- Fr. Moreno. "Only three times in Scripture does Jesus call someone woman: his own Blessed Mother, Mary Magdalen and the Woman - taken in adultery ...  Jewish males normally called no one woman except for wives and mothers..."

Extraordinary Ministers -- Ms. Elena Luna, Ms. Frances Franklin and K of C Mr. John Carlson.

Lector -- Mrs. Leticia Carter.

Before - Mass Rosary Leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.  

Head Usher -- Mr. George Nicolai

Choir Director -- Mrs. Lynn McNew

Note: Dozens of teenagers, their CCD Teachers, parents and sponsors were participating in an  all - day  Charismatic Youth Renewal  120 miles away in San Antonio -- in preparation for Confirmation -- so, maybe our deacon went, too! :) 


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