Monday, April 29, 2013

Saint Mary Magdalen Catholic Church in Brackettville, Texas 78832.

Welcomed Chicago - based visiting Augustinian missionary priest Father Christopher C. Steinle, OSA this weekend!

Saturday, April 20, 2013. 5:30pm Altar - server less English Mass.

Celebrant -- Father Christopher C. Steinle.

Deacon of the Mass -- Rev. Mr. James Bader.

Homilist -- Father Steinle: "The coming world - wide persecutions of Christians -- American Catholics' turn coming very soon, too!"

EMHCs -- Mrs. Jamie Ballew and Mr. Jim Burns.

Lector -- Ms. Carole Whitworth.

Before - Mass 5 - Decade Rosary Leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.

Ushers -- Mr. George Nicolai and Mr. Faustino Sandoval.

Choir Director -- Mrs. Lynn McNew.

Way to go great and wonderful people! :)


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