Saturday's Deacon - less 5:30 pm Mass well - supported!
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic Church.
Brackettville, Texas 78832.
Saturday. May 18, 2013. 5:30pm English Mass.
Celebrant -- Father Antonio Moreno.
Homilist -- Father Moreno -- his theme: "Biblical roots of Pentecost are found in the Exodus account of Moses' 50 - day stay on Mount Sinai...."
Altar Server -- Mr. Justin Hidalgo.
Transport - team MOM -- Patti.
EMHCs -- Ms. Carole Whitworth, Mrs. Susan Davis and Mr. Jim Burns.
Lector -- Ms. Patti Hidalgo.
Before - Mass 5 - Decade Rosary leader -- Mr. George Nicolai.
Ushers -- Mr. George Nicolai and Mr. Jim Burns.
Co - Choir Directors -- Mr. George Nicolai and Mrs. Leticia Carter.
Special after - Mass announcement --14 young people were due to receive their First Holy Communion at Sunday's 11:00 a.m. English Mass...
Way to go, great and wonderful good people! :)
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