Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Sample UTEP Campus FM Public Service Radio Add:


Speaker One:

Great news for all you UT El Paso Students enrolled in English 3305, Childrens' Literature, sections 25217 through sections 25222, Spring 2006, Professors Schneider, Armendariz and Gmuca, from your friendly neighborhood University of Texas at El Paso student and staff-oriented ANOTP News Service!

Speaker Two, a.k.a. Your Main Man Willie, chimes in:

"That's right!"

Here Your Main Man Willie lays aside his latest bag of weed and frowning in concentration tries "to do the right thing" in his part of this critical senior-level homework assignment by dutifully repeating the phrase he knows best. [Actually more like the only one!]

Speaker One, by now on a roll:

Just by calling the UTEP bookstore at (915) 747-5594 anytime between today and Tuesday, January 17th, 2006, you qualify for the ANOTP discount service!

Speaker Two:

"That's right!"

Speaker One:

This is a limited one-time offer, according to protocol, in which lucky students of Childrens' Literature 3305 can request (ANOTP) both sensational textbooks:

Speaker One pauses to catch his breah, then continues:

This means a really good deal, fellow students and UTEP staff! Yes, indeed:

"Heather Has Two Mommies" with the equally sensational (ANOTP) follow-up block buster, "But with Little Jive'in Willie, It's More Like He be Have'in Three Daddies."

Speaker Two:

"That's right! "

Speaker One:

Both literary (ANOTP) masterpieces for the one-time price of $67.33!

Speaker Two:

"That's right!"

Speaker One:

But this offer is limited to the first 50 callers, so get your credit card handy, and start those book store phones ringing, (ANOTP)!

Speaker Two, suddenly starting to lose it, as Speaker One now shoves a script his way, one, moreover, with more than two(2) words in it, in direct violation of UTEP Communications Department protocol for senior-level Mass Media homework projects:

"That's right! Duh ... ummm... oh, yeah!" Then, with a pathetic look of desperation. "So what's with this ANOTP stuff?," he asks with a worried frown.

Speaker One, quickly picking up the slack and putting Speaker Two's quandary to good use:

ANOTP is: "Albiet Not On This Planet!" OK? OK!

Speaker Two, hands trembling in an accute attack of stress, nevertheless returns to the stuggle, now braver than ever:

"That's right! Now, uh, like, uh -- in my own words, mumble..."

Here, since your Main Man Willie is somewhat challenged in his reading aloud skills, "That's right!" being one of the few things he has mastered in five (5) consecutive years as a UTEP Freshman Communications & Mass Media Major, he has to carefully pause to stretch out things at first. Thus, he fumbles just a little bit at the beginning: "In---myy---a---own--uh--words-- ." But! At last! The light bulb flickers, however dimly, and away your Main Man Willie goes! And we can SEE it here below, while off to one side the ghostly presence of that legendary (male) Professor of Mass Communications, called by his admiring coed palace guard, "Don Tomasito, " gives your Main Man Willie his most gracious smile in encouragement:

Speaker Two, now bravely marches on:

"With my credit card in hand I'm going to drop everything I'm doing right now and call the UT Bookstore at (915) 747-5594 (ANOTP) and get both my little 'ole required multicultural masterpieces for the same low price!"

Speaker One whistles in surprise, and Speaker Two is practically in tears as he can't help smiling in triumph!

And then?

There's a thunderous round of applause from assembled faculty, staff and fellow students plus a ringing declaration shouted out by all present in the studio of:

That's right!!!


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