UTEP's Miners Duke U. - Style "Pack Attack" at 2005 NMSU Game: Part VI!
The Real Life NMSU-UTEP Mystery Story
Starring Lt. Col. David Abbott, U.S.A.
And Patrick Robinson's Story:
About the Admiral's Statue!
That Miraculously Peed for Three Days Straight!
Yahoo! Mail
Date: Sunday, October 2, 2005
To: Erica Salcido
From: Dennis Morony
Subject: Thanks for your reply, we've just heard from NMSU Board of Regents
"Dear Erica,
"Thanks for your prompt reply. The reason I haven't contacted you earlier was that we were still waiting on the NMSU Board of Regents who responded to us last Friday, October [31].
"Would you believe?
"When we pulled the UTEP Budget/Account/Paayroll sheets Sunday a week ago, it was like zip for BOTH Gold Diggers and the UTEP Cheerleaders."
[Boy, was yours truly ever wrong! Because before long, acting on a hunch, we picked up the electronic trail of Coach Rebecca Cano Salcido, big time! Level one, UTEP's ENRON of Texas-style Shodow Payroll!]
"I think it was Coach Becky Salcido who had the Gold Diggers, but guess what?
"This fiscal year (from September 1 through next August 31) both Ms. Salcido and her job are delisted. [ Not so! It was just set up to look that way! Added 8/31/2006] So, on paper at least, nobody's in charge of the Gold Digger's Dance team. Instead they're directly under the Band, at least administratively speaking.
"Same thing with the UTEP Cheerleaders: Both the 2004-2005 and the 2005-2006 UTEP Budget/etc. sheets show a slot for somebody, but going on two fiscal years now Coach Nobody is listed as doing it. Nor do the account summaries show any activity i.e. [an] increase to indicate ANYBODY is coaching (at least officially) the UTEP Cheerleaders.
"That leaves only three female senior UTEP staff members who could have been reasonably supposed to have been close by to what you've described:
"(1) Lisa D. Campos Emmert, Associate Athletic Director. Acct. No. 29-2662-7009 $60,000 yearly.
"(2) Dawn E. Hearn, Trainer. Acct. No. 29-2662-6009 $55,000 yearly.
"(3) Julie M. Wong, Associate Vice President/ Dean of Students. Acct. No. 14-0215-0009 $82,480 yearly.
"Photos of Ms. Emmerts and Dr. Wong can be accessed through www.utep.edu , but Ms. Hearn is something else again, I don't know why.
"Should you know anyone else who was there and saw what you did, feel free to give them this email [address] or my snail-mail address.
"Now, I'm going to send ou the replies we've had so far: Lt. Col. David Abbott, and the [NMSU] Board of Regents. Take a look at how Lt. Col. Abbott deals with two women in his response to me, and how he deals with that issue in his response to the [NMSU] Board.
"Kinda makes you wonder?
"It did me, too!
"If you can't raise the pictures, we can always try to get some and send them to you snail mail.
"Also I'm going to contact the [ NMSU ] ROUND-UP Photographer, if I can, and see what she may have for us.
"Anyway, thanks again, and I suspect this coming [next issue UTEP] PROSPECTOR
just might have some comment on what's going on here.
"Take care,
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Excerpt: Day of the Ly'in Hos, the University of El Paso Story
Copyright: 2005
First Refusal Rights: Simon and Schuster, New York, New York.
"It was becoming more and more obvious that what had happened at that UTEP vs. NMSU game of 2005 was exactly what Erica had personally witnessed and described. To make things worse, at least three or more high-level UTEP female employees would more than likely have witnessed it too, assuming that they would have been on the UTEP side of the NMSU football stadium.
"So, why the conspiracy of silence? This would not be the first time that the Sisterhood would have kissed off the well being of some other, less fortunate sisters, who, well, didn't quite fit in with the big overall picture, if you know what I mean!"
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