Saturday, September 09, 2006

UTEP Miners--Duke U. Pack-Attack on two NMSU Women Students in 2005 Game: Part VII

And how Lt. Colonel David Abbott shot himself in the foot with NMSU's own Board of Regents.

Eager to give his patriotic all in the coverup? What was his specific price, if so? And who made the payoff, from here at UTEP's end, and how??!!

A real life UTEP-NMSU Mystery!

Like the Story of the Admiral's Statue that Mysteriously Peed!

For three days straight!

That's NMSU's fearless ROTC Colonel!

"¡Ora, MEChA! ¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, NMSU! ¡Ora, DESTINO!"


Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 14:56:44-0600
To: Dennis Morony
From: Regents Chief of Staff
Subject: Re: Allegations of Harassment and Assault Againsts[sic.] NMSU students at UTEP/NMSU Game.

"Mr. Morony, I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, but I have been investigating the incident you have brought to our attenion. Below are the answers from Chief Jaime Chavez of the NMSU Police Department and Lieutenant Colonel David Abbott, Adjunct Academic Department Head, Military Science at NMSU, respectively.

"Mr. Morony, it does seem reasonable to assume incidences of the type you describe actually occurred, that there would have been a healthy reaction on the part of the Las Cruces community in attendance -- to say nothing of a reaction by NMSU students! I certainly appreciate your reaction to the reports you had heard, and the fact that you brought this to the attention of the Regents of New Mexico State University.

"With very best regards,

"Pat Williams"

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Note: Usual Bravo Sierra! "Why?" Because these incidents involving the two women took place on the UTEP-side of the NMSU stadium, or are we supposed to think that NMSU fans would be so brain dead as to have forced their way into seats already taken by Miner's fans?

Note two: Personal! "Lady, that cocky, arrogant, attitude of yours could and would and maybe even someday will, all but gurarantee your reputation as an NMSU representative being torn to shreds on any witness stand in any reputable court of law, whether local, state or federal. "

Nor is this all!!

Date: Unknown, forwarded to Dennis Paul Morony by NMSU's Dr. Williams, as cited above,along with reply (ha!ha!) of NMSU Chief of Police Jaime Chavez, that we blogged sometime back.
To: Dr. Williams
From: David L. Abbott, Lieutenant Colonel, US Army

"Dr. Williams,

"Mr. Morony sent me the same complant. I have talked to my students in question, and apparently a minor incident did occur with a few inebriated UTEP fans. My cadets did not think the incident noteworthy enough to file a formal complaint.

"I cannot comment about the incident involving the two female photographers that Mr. Morony also relates.


"David L. Abbott,

Lieutenant Colonel, US Army"

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Note: The issue here, folk, is not whether Lt. Col. David Abbott won his impressive rows of ribbons while gaining actual combat command experience in Iraq, Afghanistan, or who knows where; or if he instead earned them by a rare facility for falling out of the as*-end of mess trucks during his own cadet years on FTXs.

Instead, the issue is simply this: "What ever happened to the old Brown Shoe Army's dictum of Yes, sir! -- No, M'am! -- No excuse, Sir! ??" Not that the US Marine Corps hasn't had its own share of Lt. Col. Abott-syle losers.

'Cause believe you me, it has!

But! Inasmuch as at least one(1) of "Mr. Morony's two female photographers " mentioned in the colonel's own letter to Dr. Williams, NMSU Board of Regents Chief of Staff, above, is herself clearly indentified by at least one eye-witness as a member of Lt. Col. Abbott's own ROTC unit, well, then??

Just why the f*c* can't he have a comment to make??!!

"The dead hand of the Academic Mafia and their UTEP Sin Cara hoods is long indeed, you better believe it!"

And, folks: That's the moral of this little 'ole story, just one of many that help to weave the fabric with threads of steel, the real life fabric of that warm, fuzzy, feel-good best seller of Fall, 2007:

Day of the Ly'in Hos, the University of Texas at El Paso Story

Copyright: 2005


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