Wednesday, December 27, 2006

"Is the Bible Reliable?"

Rev. Luis Palau, true-blue Christian, goes after Biblical Flakes and Scholarly Imposters!

¡Adelante, DESTINO! ¡Ora, UTEP! ¡Ora, MEChA!

His book: God is Relevant: Finding Strength and Peace in Today's World

Adapted from pages 72 - 74


"The question isn't, Are the New Testament documents reliable? But, Are they trustworthy?"

"The question isn't Are the New testament documents reliable? But, Are they trustworthy?

"Consider the options.

"Option No. 1. The writers were disciples of Jesus Christ who recorded accurately what they saw and heard. What they saw and heard was unique (and so powerful) that it captivated them and changed their lives. Within a generation after Jesus Christ stepped off the scene, they recorded what they had seen an dheard so others woul dbe captivated by the same message -- and person -- and have their lives changed, too.

"Option No. 2. Or the writers were followers of Jesus Christ who in their zeal divinized him after his death. Their intentions were supposedly good, but their writings and teaching don't correspond with reality. Instead, their writings represent idealistic Messianic wish fulfillment, nothing more.

"Option No. 3. Or the writers maliciously divinized Jesus for their own selfish ends. They hoped to profit by the creation of a new, superior religion to replace Judaism, which was under attack and, for all practical purposes, soon to be destroyed.

"The last option is ludicrous: all the evidence points in the other direction. It was Christianity, not Judaism, that came under the fiercest of attacks. As Pascal pointed out, why would the writers subject themselves to intense persecution and brutal martyrdom to perpetrate what they knew full well was a blatant hoax?

"The second option is equally preposterous: too many other people knew Jesus. tens of thousands had listened to what he said, had seen what he did, and knew that he'd died. How could they have possibly thought they could get away with the idea that Jesus was indeed God's Son, raised from the dead, unless the truth was on their side?

"The first option is the only rational explanation. All other options pale in comparison. The writings of the New Testament -- miracles, prophecies, and all -- have the ring of truth as C.S. Lewis used to say. He turned from atheism to classic Christianity after noting, among other things, that mythmakers and false religionists don't write like this."

Amen to all the above, Rev. Mr. Palau!

And a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and to all your family and friends everywhere...


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