St. Patrick's Cathedral MENS' ACTS Retreat Community and their spiritual ancesters ..?
"Party Political Work in the Soviet Armed Forces"
Source: The Military Review, March 1964. Vyacheslav P. Artemiev, "a former officer of the State Security Troops of the USSR. This article is translated by Major Matthew J. Gately, United States Army."
"These newspapers and newssheets are drawn by the soldiers and noncomminssioned officers and are illustrated with photos, drawings, and caricatures.
"The wall newspapers and newssheets sharply criticize and mercilessly make fun of those soldiers and noncommissioned officers who lag behind in their work, who don't show enough enthusiasm towards their duties, or training, or who disrupt discipline.
"Soldiers and noncommissioned officers who are good examples are also written up in these publications." *
The caption under an adjacent photo reads: Two Soviet soldiers, on their day off, prepare a newssheet.
While even the Soviets drew the line at caricatures of comminssioned officers, El Paso's St. Patrick's Cathedral MENS' ACTS Retreat of March 23-26, 2006, didn't even do that, if we assume that priests are roughly similar in rank.
Because in ACTS, priests, too, were (and I guess still are) fair game. In and off itself, it might have been either "cool," or maybe "so-so," but then came that specific moment when the sicko playing the role of Satan's Herald showed his face....
* Forget this angle with the MENS' ACTS Retreat crowd!
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