Saturday, April 14, 2007

A lurking Vampires over Las Moras Springs Horror ?? !!

"The Curse of Global Warming!"

Vampire Bats already next door to Kinney County in Val Verde County ???

Schmidly, David J. The Bats of Texas. College Station, Texas: A & M University Press, 1991.

Adapted from pages 71-73:

Diphylla ecaudata, Spix 1823. Hairy-legged Vampire.

"The Hairy - legged Vampire is most easily confused with the Common Vampire.

"This bat is known from Texas on the basis of a single female specimen collected on May 24, 1967 in an abandoned railroad tunnel west of Comstock in Val Verde County.

"A thorough search of the caves along the Rio Grande in western Texas may produce additional records of this specimen."

Oh my! What else is the Kinney County Chamber of Commerce witholding from John and Jane Q. Public?

With all this talk of global warming, how soon before Fort Clark - Las Moras Springs become infested by all three species of Tropical Mexican Vampires??!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is going to be a huge loss of species as the Earth heats up.

8:07 PM  
Blogger World of UTEP said...

True, but it might come to seem almost worse should we actually see that those species who make the final cut, like cockroaches, grow to science fiction=-fantasy size and really do try "to take oer the world!"



11:46 AM  

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