Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Do Real Men Go To Mass?"

"In his explosive new book, The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity -- now avilable in paper back and hard cover -- Leon Podles, Ph.D. explains why men view Christianity as a threat to their masuclinity.

"The Church Impotent is the only book to argue that Western churches have become women's clubs, that the emasculation of Christianity is dangerous, and that a masucline presence must be restored."

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"S.M. Hutchens, Ph.D, Senior Editor of Touchstone: A journal of Mere Christinaity:

"Leon Podles' new book, The Church Impotent, identifies and exposes the forces and ideas bidding to denature Christ and His Church through emasculation.

"The book is scholarly but not pedant, firm but not shrill, a potent reminder for an increasingly confused age that an altered Church is no church at all.

"John M. Haas, Ph.D, S.T.L, President The International Institure for Culture:

"The Church Impotent is extremely well researched and is lucidly and compellingly written.

"Its many astute observations about the contemporary Church should be thoughtfully meditated upon by the shepherds of the Church in our day -- for the sake of the Bride of Christ herself."

Hey! Sounds like an interesting book, no??


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