San Antonio, Texas:
"Lawyer Roberts gets 5 years for extortion "
"He had blackmailed two men who had been his wife's lovers. "
"Ted H. Roberts, covicted of extorting money from his wife's lovers, holds an unlit cigar in the courtroom while awaiting sentencing at the Cadena - Reeves Justice Center."
Classic "Pimp 'n ho Case " nears sordid end !
Adapted from Mario Robbins, EXPRESS - NEWS STAFF WRITER, Tuesday, June 5, 2007.
"The lawyer stood silently, searching for words to address the ruinous events that led him to court Monday: his wife's infidelities, the way he'd sought revenge against her lovers and how that had resulted in his prosecution.
"This was Ted H. Roberts' chance to speak.
"In a moment, the judge would send the 50 - year - old to five years in prison."
But! It seems our main man was in denial, as here is what he tells us:
"It is incredible to me after I sought protection from the law that ... I face sentencing without having committed a crime."
Whopee! (heh, heh!)
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