"A look at abuse in Protestant churches"
It seems like there's roughly 260+ allegations of child sexual abuse reported yearly...
Surprise ! Surprise ! (Heh, heh! )
Source: The Associated Press, Thu Jun 14, 3:58 PM ET
"A look at reports of sex abuse of minors from three companies that together insure the majority of U.S. Protestant churches.
"Church Mutual Insurance Co.
"Reports of sex abuse of minors: Company has received an average of about 100 reports year alleging child sex abuse over the past decade."
Chose not to report total amount in claims paid out!
"GuideOne Insurance Co.
"Reports on sex abuse of minors: Company has received an average of about 160 reports of child sex abuse a year for the past two decades.
"Total amount in claims paid: Over the last five years, GuideOne has averaged approximately $4 million per year in child sex abuse and sexual misconduct settlements, excluding attorney fees.
"Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Co.
"Reports on sex abuse of minors: Company has received an average of 73 reports of BOTH child sex abuse and other sexual misconduct each year for the past 15 years.
"Total amount in cliams paid: Total of approximately $7.8 million has been paid out in cliams for sexual misconduct and child sex abuse over the past 15 years."
Wow! "Cause, In all fairness to our non - Catholic Christian friends and neighbors, all of this is a long, long, way from the $1.5 billion dollar pay out the so-called American Catholic Church has cursed itself with!
From my own knee - jerk perspective, the American Catholic Church child sexual abuse fiasco just might be a good illustration of what happens when:
"The corruption of the Best becomes the Worst !"
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