Maxed Out !!
"Documentary shows plight of Americans burdened by debt "
By: Sanford Nowlin, San Antonio EXPRESS - NEWS Business Writer, Tuesday, June 5, 2007. [Adapted]
"Maxed Out, a film on DVD hitting store shelves this month, takes a look at Americans' debt problems -- and how much of the blame for them lies with the nation's lending industry.
"Maxed Out starts on a lighter note as an upbeat Las Vegas real estate agent walks through a 10,000 - square - foot house she's having built and admits she'll be in trouble if interest rates rise.
"But it doesn't take long for the real - life stories to turn grim.
"[Director] Scurlock interviews a pair of women whose children committed suicide in college after slipping into credit - card debt, and he visits a retiree holding a yard sale before her home goes into foreclosure.
"The film points out that more U.S. citizens will file bankruptcy this year than graduate from college, get divorced or diagnosed with cancer.
"U.S. consumers now owe more than $2.4 trillion to banks, credit - card companies and other lenders, according to the Federal Reserve."
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